UA-557 Simple price
- green
- Polyester
Vertical: 100 % polyester
Horizontal: 100 % polyester
Pattern repeat
Vertical: 30cm
2,600 yen/㎡
3,900 yen/m
Country of origin
Pattern and design
- border
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washable curtains
It can be washed in your washing machine at home. These curtains hardly expand or contract when washed and are wrinkle resistant.
Heating efficiency Energy saving rank 15% or more
In the winter, it prevents heat from escaping through the openings and keeps the room temperature from dropping.
Cooling efficiency Energy saving rank 10% or more but less than 15%
During the day in summer, it prevents heat from escaping through the openings and reduces the rise in room temperature.
Products compatible with dress-up processing
This mark is displayed on curtains that can be treated with a form-stable ``dress-up'' treatment that allows them to maintain their beautiful waves even when washed at home.
Pleated S compatible products
This mark is displayed on curtains that can be treated with a higher-grade form-stabilizing process, ''Pleated S processing.''
Laundry display
Recommended Style
-Order -
- For details of product specifications, please refer to the sample book or the digital catalog.
- Product and construction example images may differ from actual product color and scale.
- For final product selection, please check the actual product samples at showrooms or in stores of dealers.
- All prices are exclusive of tax and installation costs.
- The price does not include construction costs.
- The price is for reference only and is different from the actual selling price.