We respond to all market needs

We offer a wide range of interior products, mainly curtains, carpet, wallpaper, and fusuma paper,
all of which feature excellent design and functionality.

SUMINOE -only products that take into account the environment, health, and recycling, and materials that incorporate market trends.
We have a variety of products that are excellent in design, functionality and safety.

  • Order curtain

    Order curtain "mode S"

  • Order curtain

    Order curtain "U Life"

  • Rug

    Rug "BIG SIZE RUG"

  • Ragmat

    Rag Mat "HOME® RUG MAT "

  • Horizontal recycling -type recycled tile carpet

    Carpet tiles " ECOS® "

  • Roll carpet

    Roll carpet
    "Carpet concierge"

  • Curtain

    Curtain for medical, welfare and education contracts "Face")」