Sales job (general occupation)

Recruitment department
All faculties and all departments
Number of applicants
10 people
Hire date
April 1, 2023
Work location
All offices (headquarters, branches, sales offices)
Working hours
Weekdays 9: 00-17: 15 (lunch break 12: 00-12: 50)
Saturday 9:00 to 17:15 (lunch break 12: 00-12: 50)
Holiday holiday
Annual holiday 115 days (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, summer / New Year holidays) * Saturday about 5 days per year
Four university graduates 201,500 yen (for the Tokyo metropolitan area 208,500 yen)
Junior College / Specialized graduate 187,500 yen (189,500 yen in the Tokyo metropolitan area) * 2022 start salary results
Salary increase
Once a year (June implemented)
Twice a year (summer June / winter December)
All -use
Housing allowance, family allowance, overtime, commuting allowance, qualification allowance, etc.
Welfare welfare, etc.
Equipped with various social insurance systems, retirement allowance system, holding association, recreation center, etc.

Selection flow


Reservation of company briefing

* For details, please refer to "Application Form".


Company information session

* Mainly held at the head office and Osaka. Applicants can make a primary screening after the company briefing.
* the current,OA line briefing session will also be held.


Primary selection

* Individual interviews will be conducted in the management department.


Secondary selection

* Written test (aptitude test)RoleWe will conduct a member interview.



* It is a minimum of one month from the briefing to the job offer.